HOME Program
HOME Program
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HOME Program

2020-03-16 02:19:08     Number of views:Times

"HOME Program" (Help Our Motherland through Elite Intellectual Resources from Overseas), jointly initiated by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and 35 overseas Chinese professional organizations, was officially inaugurated in Beijing, China in February, 2004. With the support of the Central government and local governments across China, "HOME Program" serves as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship for overseas professionals with science and technology background to serve and to engage them in the social and economic development in China.

In the past 14 years, "HOME Program" has organized various activities helping overseas professionals to conduct academic and technology exchanges and cooperation, project collaborations, setting up business start-ups, inspection trips, survey and training programs and business consulting in China with the concerted efforts of its 60+ HOME Program Bases managed by CAST local branches throughout the country.

HOME Program has conducted several inspection trips with delegates from overseas to various Chinese cities and regions focusing on major issues such as energy ecological environment, innovation and entrepreneurship of oversea returnees' enterprises, oversea talents strategy, bio-pharmaceutical and life science, and overseas technology transfer, and provided effective consulting to both government and business sectors. Many Chinese leaders including Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Liu Yandong have responded most favorably and given precise instructions for related ministries and institutions to follow up. As a result of the energy ecological environment inspection trip, a solar powered pumping irrigation system was set up as a model project in Qinghai province, and won the UN Green Technology Award of Human Settlement in 2014. "HOME Program" has established several  other Model Projects ranging from water treatment, Industrial waste treatment,modern farming, robot and artificial intelligence and technology transfer, to name just a few.

 "HOME Program" has set up a pilot project entitled "Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurial Base for Overseas Professionals" in 10 cities include Hangzhou and Ningbo, aiming at attracting more and more overseas professionals to conduct business in China on these platforms with more favorable policies and business infrastructures.
"HOME Program" is a service platform for overseas professionals with science and technology background, and CAST is the HOME for science and technology professionals all over the world.